How to Adopt

At Hand In Hand, we know international adoptions are a big commitment, and we want to help ensure you are prepared for this journey before you commit your time, emotions, money and energy. Let Hand in Hand be your guide through each step of the adoption process outlined below.

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1. Research

Learn what to expect. Read about international adoptions, compare country requirements and fees and choose the agency that is right for you!

2. Meet Your Caseworker

Meet your Hand in Hand caseworker - the person who will help you navigate your adoption journey and answer all of your questions and concerns.

3. Application

Complete and send your application, disclosure statement, fee agreement, 1040 tax return, family photo and application fee to your Caseworker.

4. Review Process

Your application packet is reviewed, processed, and approved by Hand in Hand. You will then receive a letter welcoming you to the Hand in Hand family.


5. Home Study

Complete your international home study through Hand in Hand or an approved local agency. You will also receive adoptive parent training at this stage.

6. Complete & File I-800A

We will help you file your I-800A application, the first immigration paperwork for United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.

7. Compile & File Dossier

Work with your caseworker to complete a dossier of all necessary documentation for the foreign country. Once complete, all documents will be translated into the adoptive country's language.

8. Review & Match

Documents are reviewed by the adoptive country. Once approved, the wait begins! Parents wait to be presented with a prospective child match and once presented, accept or decline the proposed match.


9. File I-800

The second step in the immigration prcoess for USCIS. This is a petition to classify your child as an immediate relative and requests immigration pre-approval for the child(ren).

10. Prepare

Now that you have been matched with your child, prepare your home and life for the child's arrival. Continue educating yourselves about your child and his/her country of origin. Work with your caseworker to prepare for travel.

11. Travel

Travel to adoptive country to meet and pick up your child(ren). Some countries require two trips, while others simply require one. Depending on the country, you will spend 7-45 days immersing yourself in your child's native culture while getting to know your child(ren).

12. Post-Adoption

Return home with your child(ren)! Settle in as a family. Schedule required post-adoption visits with your social worker. We will talk through your family’s adjustment, child’s needs, health, development, resources needed, etc…


Where does one begin?

View our programs for a high-level comparison of requirements in the countries we currently work most closely with, such as the age range of most children, types of prospective parents, travel requirements, estimated timeframes and details about each country. You can attend an online information session (offered monthly), an in-person information session, or talk to one of our program directors one-on-one. Fill out the “Contact Us” form below and we will get in touch with you.


Adoption Realities

Bringing an orphan into your home will change his/her world from one with little hope to one of endless possibilities. However, growing your family through adoption adds a measure of complexity and uncertainty for perspective parents. In addition to learning a new language and culture, children often have special needs that require extra care and energy. We will talk through all of the risks and realities with you to ensure international adoption is right for your family.


What are the fees involved?

The fees depend on the country you choose and whether you live in or out of a state where we have an office. International adoptions typically cost between $17,000 and $40,000. We can email you the fees applicable to your preferred countries and in or out-of-state status. Hand in Hand offers the option of financial counseling services. We have an Adoption Finance Coach available to discuss possible grants, tax credit and resources available to adoptive families. Contact us to learn more.


Lifelong Community

Bringing your child home for the first time is only the beginning of a lifelong commitment. Hand in Hand support does not end when the last of the paperwork has been completed. We offer our families a lifelong community, where parents and families can turn to each other for support. Your family can connect with other adoptive families at trainings, events, summer camps and through our social media. Our team remains available as a resource for your family throughout the years.

We recently partnered with Creating a Family to help provide training to all current and former Hand in Hand adoptive families. Please let us know if you’d like the coupon code to access this extensive and diverse collection of trainings and resources - all available to our Hand in Hand families free of charge.



Contact Us

We are so excited to help you build your family through international adoption. Please fill out the form below and we will be in touch shortly.
