Hand in Hand’s Bulgaria adoption program was established in 2014. Bulgaria is an excellent option for parents who may wish to adopt one child or a sibling group. There is a great need for families open to children three years and older, as well as families open to children with special needs.
Bulgaria is party to the Hague Convention and has a very transparent adoption process. The Bulgarian government requires that prospective adoptive parents use a Hague-accredited agency in the United States, as well as a Bulgarian adoption agency accredited by the Ministry of Justice. Hand in Hand partners with two non-profit, licensed and accredited Bulgarian adoption organizations to assist in the placement of children from Bulgarian orphanages and institutions into U.S. adoptive homes. These trusted organizations help children find permanent homes and families and actively advocate for the protection of the rights of children in Bulgarian institutions.
As a full-service agency, Hand in Hand will assist families in completing their home study, receiving the necessary training, securing their I-800A approval, matching a child with them, sending their documents to Bulgaria, preparing for travel and coordinating necessary post-adoption reports and requirements.
Children are from a variety of ethnic backgrounds: Bulgarian, Turkish and Roma.
Children ages 1-15 years old, with the majority being over three years old.
Male and female children and sibling groups are available.
Most children have mild to moderate special needs; the wait for the referral of a young healthy child is currently very long.
There is no age requirement, but at least one parent must be a minimum of 15 years older than the child to be adopted.
Married or single applicants are accepted; there is no requirement regarding length of marriage.
Applicants may not have a criminal record, a history of deprivation of parental rights, STD, TB, HIV/AIDS, or chronic infectious disease.
Travel Requirements
Both adoptive parents must travel for a total of two trips. The first trip, in which the prospective adoptive parents receive the official referral and meet the child, is approximately 7 days. The second trip, which will take place 3-4 months after the first trip, is also approximately 7 days.
Your child’s adoption is finalized in Bulgaria. Children receive a U.S. visa and become citizens upon arrival in the U.S.
Generally, 12-18 months for the adoption of a child over the age of three or a child with special needs.
The wait for a referral of a healthy, younger child is up to three years.